Maximize Your Marketing

Maximize Your Marketing: a video tutorialThis two-part video reveals how you can turn your marketing from a profit-draining expense into a profit producing system. This is good stuff. Really, really cool, put-to-use-right-now good stuff.

You know what they say about “low-hanging fruit”? Well, the same goes for your patients.


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In Part 2, you’ll find some marketing strategies that you can put to work at once in your own dental practice.

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You also get the following free bonuses as part of this tutorial:

Free Bonus 1 – Calculate the average value of a new patient.

Free Bonus 2 – Value of a New Patient Video

Free Bonus 3 – Downloadable audio version of the complete tutorial.

Free Bonus 4 – Downloadable printout of the complete written transcript of the tutorial to review at any time.

Free Bonus 5 – Downloadable printout of the full slide show (as seen in the video) for you to review.