Once in place, this internal marketing strategy cuts the cost of all your other marketing efforts in half!
Why? Because every new patient will replace him- or herself with an additional new patient, when you use this Four Phase Internal Marketing program.
Internal Marketing for Top Value Referrals
Over the last 18 years, this program has been tested, revised, upgraded, refined, tested again and upgraded annually!
This program helps your team overcome your normal reluctance to asking for referrals. Plus, it knows you are going to forget to ask, be too nervous to ask and too tired to ask… and it still works!
It works because "Asking" is just one phase of the program. Phases 2 through 4 are all designed to back you up and get the referral, even if you screw up the asking part 80% of the time. Hey! I’ve been working with dentists for 20 years… I know the difference between theory and reality.
All the key elements that are included are listed below, but let me tell you, like all The Wealthy Dentist programs, you’re going to get at least twice the value you expected. That starts with two half-hour Internet video training tutorials. It’s just like being in a live seminar, except you can stop it at any time, go back, jump ahead or even go to the bathroom without having to raise your hand.
Team members can watch the tutorials on their work stations or you can even hook up an inexpensive video projector to one of your office computers to project the tutorials on a wall for team training. This is a lot less expensive than taking them to a seminar for a day – unless it is one of mine.
Trouble viewing the video? Click here
Part 1
[jwplayer player=’4′ file=”http://media.thewealthydentistuniversity.com.s3.amazonaws.com/InternalMarketing-Part1.mp4″ image=”http://media.thewealthydentistuniversity.com.s3.amazonaws.com/InternalMarketing-1-576×439.jpg” autostart=”false”]Part 2
[jwplayer player=’4′ file=”http://media.thewealthydentistuniversity.com.s3.amazonaws.com/InternalMarketing-Part2.mp4″ image=”http://media.thewealthydentistuniversity.com.s3.amazonaws.com/InternalMarketing-2-576×439.jpg” autostart=”false”]Plus you get these bonuses:
- Bonus 1 – A special private set of "Doctor’s Notes: Step-by-Step Guidelines to Adding 10 New Patients a Month to Your Practice" – Doctor Notes (PDF)
- Bonus 2 – A set of "Team Notes" to help you better train and integrate the program into your office systems – Team Notes (PDF)
- Bonus 3 – Sample "Completion of Treatment" letters you can use to start the program immediately – Completion of Treatment Letters (DOC)
- Bonus 4 – Multiple "Quarterly Communications Letters" to adapt to your style of practice – Quarterly Communications Letters (DOC)
- Bonus 5 – "Patient Communications " – Patient Communications (DOC)
- Bonus 6 – Downloadable audio version of the complete tutorial so that you can it burn to a CD and play it in your car.
- Bonus 7 – Downloadable printout of the full slide show – Slides (PDF)
- Bonus 8 – Downloadable printout of the complete written transcript of the tutorial to review at any time – Read the Transcript (PDF)